Washingtin Dc to Earleville Maryland With Easy Pass Tolls

There are 4 ways to get from Washington to Earleville by train, taxi, bus or car

Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner.

Train, taxi  •  1h 57m

  1. Take the train from Washington Union Station to Aberdeen Amtrak Station Northeast Regional
  2. Take a taxi from Aberdeen Amtrak Station to Earleville

Train  •  2h 30m

  1. Take the train from UNION STATION MARC Washington to Perryville Marc Marc

Bus  •  3h 59m

  1. Take the bus from Washington DC to Baltimore, MD Wdc-Nyc
  2. Take the bus from White Marsh Park & Ride to Raritan & Havre de Grace - APG No. 425 Line NB to APG

Drive  •  1h 52m

  1. Drive from Washington to Earleville 147.6 km

Questions & Answers

The most affordable way to get from Washington to Earleville is to drive, which costs Rp250000 - Rp370000 and takes 1h 52m.

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The quickest way to get from Washington to Earleville is to drive which costs Rp250000 - Rp370000 and takes 1h 52m.

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The distance between Washington and Earleville is 112 km. The road distance is 147.6 km.

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The best way to get from Washington to Earleville without a car is to train and taxi which takes 1h 57m and costs Rp2000000 - Rp3600000.

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It takes approximately 1h 57m to get from Washington to Earleville, including transfers.

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The best way to get from Washington to Earleville is to train which takes 2h 30m and costs Rp1500000 - Rp2200000. Alternatively, you can bus, which costs Rp2300000 - Rp3100000 and takes 3h 59m.

Mode details

Yes, the driving distance between Washington to Earleville is 148 km. It takes approximately 1h 52m to drive from Washington to Earleville.

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There are 13+ hotels available in Earleville. Prices start at Rp1347500 per night.

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What companies run services between Washington, DC, USA and Earleville, MD, USA?

Maryland Transit operates a train from UNION STATION MARC Washington to Perryville Marc 4 times a day. Tickets cost Rp85000 - Rp240000 and the journey takes 1h 45m. Alternatively, you can take a bus from Washington to Earleville via White Marsh Park & Ride and Raritan & Havre de Grace - APG in around 3h 59m.

Amtrak Northeast Regional

Amtrak's Northeast Regional train service serves the US' busy northeast corridor from Virginia to Massachusetts; major stops include Boston, Providence, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington DC and Baltimore. Amenities include Wi-Fi, a quiet car, cafe and business-class seating, and travelling with a small dog or cat is permitted. Book at least 14 days in advance for a cheaper Saver Fare.

+1 800-523-6590
Ave. Duration
1h 4m
5 times a day
Estimated price
Rp210000 - Rp1300000
Schedules at
Book at
Child 2-12 with paid adult
Rp210000 - Rp650000
Reserved Coach Seat
Rp400000 - Rp1300000
Business Class Seat
Rp650000 - Rp1700000

Maryland Transit


Academy Bus

Taxi from Aberdeen Amtrak Station to Earleville

Ave. Duration
53 min
Estimated price
Rp1800000 - Rp2300000

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Source: https://www.rome2rio.com/s/Washington/Earleville

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